Modern Slavery Statement 2022/ 2023

Modern Slavery Statement 2022/ 2023


We, Kinnk Cave Limited, are dedicated to prioritizing and enhancing our practices to address and prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain. This statement outlines the steps we have taken during the year ending 30 June 2023 to mitigate risks of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

Key Focus Areas

During the period ending 30 June 2023, we concentrated on three strategic areas:

  • Enhancing transparency across our ‘Kinnk Cave Own Brand’ and ‘Partner Brand’ supply chain.
  • Conducting further due diligence within our supply chain to identify risk areas.
  • Implementing improved governance and control measures.

In FY22-23, our focus was to strengthen connections with our goods-for-resale (product) suppliers in a post-pandemic environment. We acknowledge that our activities affect many people’s livelihoods, making transparency in our supply chain a priority.

A proactive approach to transparency enables us to protect the welfare and rights of employees within our organization and workers throughout our supply chain.

Organization Structure, Business, and Supply Chains

Kinnk Cave (UK) Holdings Limited is the immediate and ultimate parent company of Kinnk Cave Limited. Kinnk Cave Holdings Limited leads a group of companies supporting Kinnk Cave Ltd’s business activities.

The primary business activity of Kinnk Cave Limited is the retail, wholesale, and marketing of lingerie, apparel, adult toys, and related accessories. Our distribution channels include 85 stores in the UK, Ireland, and Jersey, a UK-based web channel serving UK and international customers, a well-established third-party sales channel, and a network of Direct Selling Consultants.

Our headquarters are in Whyteleafe, Surrey, where we select, design, source, and create our product range. Employing over 1,100 people across the UK, Ireland, and Jersey, our main distribution center is located alongside our head office in Whyteleafe.

We collaborate with approximately 40 suppliers across 58 factories to design and manufacture ‘Kinnk Cave Own Brand’ products and an additional 30 ‘Partner Brands,’ who supply their branded products to us. Our product supply chain is global, with factories located in Asia, Europe, the USA, and the UK.

Policies and Controls

As a responsible retailer and employer, we have established policies and contracts that support our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain.

  • Dedicated In-House Compliance Team – We have a sourcing and compliance team responsible for managing supplier compliance and accountability.
  • Supply Chain Partner Engagement – We work with SEDEX, an external supply chain partner, to enhance transparency and provide comprehensive audit data on our product supply chain’s manufacturers and factories, including wages, working hours, sustainability, and ethical practices.
  • Closer Monitoring of Product Suppliers – We review each product supplier individually to promptly identify and address compliance issues.
  • Product Supplier Code of Conduct – Our Code of Conduct prohibits forced labor, child labor, and slavery, demands lawful, safe, and healthy working conditions, and advocates for fair wages, job security, respectful treatment, freedom of association, and the right to collective bargaining. All product suppliers are required to agree to this Code as part of their contract.
  • Whistleblowing Service – Through SeeHearSpeakUp, we offer a Whistleblowing hotline for employees and workers in our supply chain to report suspected human rights violations, including slavery and trafficking, to a designated Board member by phone or online.
  • Whistleblowing Policy – This Policy encourages and protects employees and workers who report perceived wrongdoings, reminding them of their right and responsibility to raise concerns.

Due Diligence and Supplier Audits

We recognize that our product supply chain presents the highest risk of encountering modern slavery practices. As part of our efforts to address this risk, we conduct due diligence on our product suppliers.

  • New Suppliers – We audit all new suppliers to confirm adherence to global standards and regulations, reviewing references, recent audits, certifications, and documentation for each new factory.
  • Existing Suppliers – We conduct an annual review of all product suppliers using a self-assessment process supported by documented evidence of their practices. Any identified concerns are thoroughly investigated and managed.
  • Communication and Escalation – Audit and review results are communicated across the business, with serious concerns escalated to the Board for appropriate management.
  • Independent Audits – We are working towards third-party independent audits for all our factories.

Assessing Effectiveness in Preventing Modern Slavery

We remain committed to monitoring and reassessing Modern Slavery risks, regularly reviewing our policies, controls, and training (both internally and with suppliers) to ensure continuous risk mitigation.

This statement was approved by the Board of Kinnk Cave Ltd.

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